Saturday, February 20, 2010
Sunday, July 06, 2008
A year later
It has been more than a year. What changed? I am almost done with my 3rd year. I've taken Step 1 and Step 2 CS and I am planning to take Step 2 CK in August. I learned a lot during my clinical rotations. I also had confusing moments of trying to decide how I want my medical career to be. I am started to do the application for residency. I am hoping that I can save my little blog's life while I am trying to learn how to save lives.
To be continue...

Friday, March 23, 2007
The Goats Next Door!
There are goats next to our compound. They like to stay close to our fence. In the beginning of this term, they are the one who woke me up in the morning in addition to those roosters.
Whenever I look through my window, I look for them. They are there mostly. Lately I noticed the babies goat around the area. Have I missed the pregnant goat? Or I do not have enough experience with goat to see that she was pregnant?
I got use to those noises that they make in the morning since this is our 3rd month here. The other day, I was taking a nap and I woke up with that horrible noise that sounded like a person cries. I got up and look through the window, I didn't see any sign of human. I put on my glasses and looked again. I saw two dogs trying to bit and pull something on the ground. Then i heard that yell again. I knew that there was something alive making the noise. I was afraid that it might be a person or a little kid that was attacked by the dogs. Suddenly, I heard a boy shouting and running with a stick in his hand toward the dogs. The dogs were not scared at all. They kept on pulling that thing on the ground until that boy trying to hit them.
The dog run but they tried to come back again. They were persistent to get that something. A lady, a old man and a little girl came to the place where the something or someone was. Then they tried to pull a rope that was there. There I was watching through my window behind the curtains wondering what that would be. The lady picked up the thing and I realized that it was a baby goat. The goat was black and white color. The baby goat was so young that he/she could not defend himself/herself from those crazy dogs. All those people were trying to fix the baby goat. The dogs were trying to get back to the goat again. I felt sorry for the little goat who has no protection. Where are the parents or where is the mommy goat? Those are the question I had on my mind at that point.
I realized that you are vulnerable either when you don't have enough strength or when you are too young to fight for.
The is my little memories on THE GOATS NEXT DOOR!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Surfing the net
I ended up sleeping at 5 am this morning. What was I doing? Surfing the net and learning how to make new things for my blog. It was just making icon and trying to figure out whether they can show up on IE and stuff.
I am behind from my studying schedule. Oh not it is not for USMLE. I don't even think about it (well yes a little, but it stresses me out, so I prefer not to think). My schedule is just for the classes that I am taking now. Behind my schedule for 2 days. How am I suppose to catch up?
Since I was surfing the Internet, I found so many clips that were shown during the class breaks. This might seem like a repeat post since I posted those clips on my Yahoo 360 degree. I hope you enjoy them.
P.S. if you have time, visit
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Clap, clap, clap
I was just listening some of the lectures posted on our school website. It is a slide show with voice recording from the lecture. It is very convenience because you don't have to go to class to listen or see what they teach you, you can just stay home and listen and watch the lecture on the web.
I tried doing that but I think I rather stick with old fashion going to class for now.
Well I was listening to the lecture to see what are the slides that I was missing from the lecture notes. It was a lecture of a visiting professor. We usually have some visiting professors from UK, US and Canada to teach us in different subjects.
Our class like to clap. Every time a new VP (visiting professor) come and he/she gets introduced to us, we clap. Every time someone say some thing nice, we like to clap. Every time a VP finishes teaching, we clap. It doesn't matter how much we don't like the professor or how much we do like them, we will clap if someone is introduced to us or that someone is finished his/her job with us.
We clap, clap and clap. It is nothing wrong with clapping, it is just funny that our class clap for no reason sometimes.
Clap, clap, clap...
Thursday, March 15, 2007
For my posts in Burmese, please go to Pieces of Me
To see in Burmese, instruction for downloading Zawgyi-One font is here.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
I no longer in Grenada, still living free of luxury!
Well, I use the mnemonic "I'm in Grenada, living free of luxury" for my blogs. I thought I would remember what that nmemonic stand for.
Yesterday in class, I was using my computer to take notes and this is what happened when the professor asked me what are the nerves of lumbar plexus.
Me (off-guard): "uh, oh, L1 to L4?"
Professor: "nerve, big nerve, give me one name, not nerve root"
Me (still thinking what is in the lumbar plexus and blank out): "ummm, eee,...."
My friend who was sitting next to me said "Siatic nerve"
Me to professor: "whatever he said..."
Professor: "no"
At that point I know that Siatic is not in lumbar plexus, it is in lumbosacral plexus, and
Me: "yes, it is in lumbosacral"
Professor (now pressuring on my friend): "come on, the big one"
A Light buld was on in my head and I whispered "femoral?"
Professor (turn to me): " yeah you got it, what is the other one?"
I was thinking "oh shot, he wants another one?"
Someone answered at that point " Obturator"
At that point I felt so bad because it is the mnemonic I used and I didn't remember any nerve from lumbar plexus.
This is our mnemonic for lumbar plexus and it's explanation. Since we lived in Grenada, it was really meaningful for us to know that.
I'm - iliohypogastric n
In - ilioinguinal n
Grenada - genitofemoral n
Living - lateral femoral cutaneous n
Free - femoral n
Of - obturator n
Luxury - lumbosacral trunk