Friday, May 06, 2005

Good News

I received an e-mail from SGU the other day saying that I am qualify for interview. Good news. I don't know when I am going for interview and where. The interview coordinator will be contacting me in next two weeks. I just have check my e-mail every day and have to wait patiently.

Next good news that I haven't shared. I passed my driver license test for california the other week. I know it is no big deal for other people but it is for me. Don't get me wrong, I already have a license. It is NY lincense. I have been living in CA for almost a year now (exactly a year on May 15) and I don't drive. Me NO DRIVING!!! Amazing huh! I get around in this town with Buses and trains. I know I know, many of the people here have never been on the Metro (the train) in their life. They ask me how I am going around the town. I go to school with buses and I can even go to Universal Studio and Hollywood by buses or trains. Hey I am a Newyorker, remember. We use buses and subways to go around. So it is no prob for me to figure out how to get around here. It is very good that MTA in CA has a website that pretty much tells you how you can go by taking what bus or train. Cool huh? I wish NY MTA has done something like that. Anyway, that's me, using MTA effectively in Los Angeles. Now I finally get my CA lincense (actually, I haven't received the real one, but it is on its way). Thank god I don't have to retake the driving test. I just had to take the written one. And I only had a chance to get wrong 3 answers out of 36 questions. I did it with one wrong answer. I am pretty proud of myself. I know it is nothing but I feel great.

Another good news. I applied to Ross University (the other carribean med school in Dominica) last year. I couldn't go there due to my immigration problems (No valid passport, no citizenship). So I didn't go to the May 2004 class and my application was deactivated. I called Ross the other day and asked what I should do if I want to go this year. They said I just had to send a new application (since they want updated info) and the best thing is that I don't have to pay the application fee again or I don't have to go through the interview process again. Good, huh? It was because I reported my problems to the interview (who happened to be associate dean of Admission) and he put a note in my file. So I am all set if I can send them my application and oh I forgot, the latest transcript from my school. I am so happy that I have a school to fall back on.

Enough of the good news. And nobody reads my blog anyway. This blog is for myself.